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I’d say this list is mostly coming from me as a director, rather than as an actor. I thought it would be fun and interesting to put together. I’d like to read your comments below. This list is in no particular order:

1. Rachel McAdams

Rachel portrayed the hilariously awful Regina George in Mean Girls, stole America’s hearts in The Notebook and later in The Vow, but the role I most appreciate her for is Lisa Risor in Wes Craven’s Red Eye. The film relied heavily upon the performances of its two leads (alongside Cillian Murphy), and they each worked admirably in their roles. McAdams pulls off a terrific performance.


2. Gabourey Sidibe

She lit up on Hollywood’s radar with her Academy Award-nominated performance as Precious in the eponymous film in 2009. The film stands as a very influential film on my life and she does a tremendous job there. When you watch her interviews though, she is an absolute delight! Funny and light-hearted, a far cry from the heavy-laden Precious.


3. Jodie Foster

Jodie Foster represents everything I hope for in a strong female character. She appears in some of my favorite films such as The Brave One, Panic Room, Flightplan, and Silence of the Lambs. I also loved her in Inside Man. Simply said, I love her.


4. Reese Witherspoon

She won America’s heart early in her career, and snagged an Academy Award in 2004 for Walk the Line, but she represents a heart of gold in her interviews. When doing press for the aforementioned film, she even answered a reporters question, saying that she and her family attend church. And she’s pretty charming on Instagram!


5. Marion Cotillard

She did an eloquent job embodying the legendary Edith Piaf for her Academy Award-winning role in La Vie en Rose, and has shown up on American screens several times since. Has anyone seen her performance in Inception though? Wow. Stunning.


Honorable Mention:

Tilda Swinton and Virginia Madsen