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Vision for Tomorrow2

For the first time in the history of this blog, I have been requested to write a specific post. I was honored that a reader would be as invested as to want to know what I know about a certain subject.

In early December, something remarkable happened. Something that didn’t make the news media or to much of anyone outside of Durant, Oklahoma. On December 5th, I held my 4th Annual Christmas Party (formally known as Tyler Slawson’s 4th Annual Christmas Party). Big news headliner, right? It sounds swanky, you might say. It really wasn’t, but it had a big impact. You see, my long term vision for my Christmas party is to be a large regional (if not National) charity event. A big to-do and important date on everyone’s Christmas calendar. What started out as a group of college students getting together spontaneously to watch Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas, began making an impact this year. This was the year that God put on my heart to begin raising funds. Asking for a $3 donation per person attending, those attending went over and beyond, raising a total of $135 for Bible League International, an organization whose goal is to send Bibles all around the world to those who need them, even in persecuted countries. This year that money will be sent to China to the underground church, and with the match that was in place, our gifts will send 64 Bibles.

Also in December, I named my first Person of the Year on this blog. Something that I felt was important for me to recognize one person’s contributions to helping me during the year. My decision to do so led to my mother’s criticism that people may read over it, asking “Who is he to think he can give out a Person of the Year?” The answer of course, is I am me. In my view, I have just as much of a right to give a Person of the Year as Time Magazine, the inspiration for my recognition. While my party this year was a casual and warm Christmas party, my future plans involve tuxes and evening gowns with live performances, live audio commentaries, with special and advanced screenings of Christmas movies. The future is now, as they say.

I was specifically asked to discuss my dedication and vision for the future of my work. I was humbled when this topic was brought to my attention. It’s hard for me to say “You will be successful if…,” “You will see your dreams come true, if…” There isn’t a step-by-step formula to do what I do. Granted there is a certain disillusion that only those that become household names are successful. If someone can ignore the visible success of those that are household names, and consider where they are now and where they hope to be, that is vision. Success, I will argue, always comes with vision. But before vision comes a desire. I had and still have an active desire for God. I don’t linger in believing what God has said, or what He is saying. I have an understanding of the existence of God, and knowing that He is love, and cannot lie as that would cause us harm. We were not created first. God existed and created us to bring glory to Him. And individually we were not created without a purpose. There are a lot of problems in the world. Ask God to show you your purpose in what problem is out there, and go for it. I believe Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. said it best when he said “Faith is taking the first step without seeing the whole staircase.”

When you have an active desire and love for God, know your purpose, and can hear His voice as He guides you along the way, you can begin to see things shape. You begin to see yourself as a leader, and when you begin to see the effect you can have on the world, it builds your faith. Discipline is another thing. Don’t lie around expecting things to fall out of the sky. If you’re building a ship, at least buy what boards he tells you to buy (if that’s all you can do) until you can afford the next set of materials. There are no such things as overnight successes. A famous author once said “It only took me 12 years to be an overnight success.” It takes hours of work and discipline to get yourself where you need to be. Get a clear vision, write it down, draw pictures, whatever it takes, and start moving. I will clear this by saying make sure you are following God, because when God is behind it, things will supernaturally begin falling into place for you. Don’t get anxious, killing an Egyptian, trying to get ahead of God.

I see where God is taking me, and I’m dedicated to seeing it. But even though my first theatrical release has yet to bow, or my physical studio built, or my Christmas party being a big to do, I am living that future now. It has taken me all my life to get to this point (specifically, just over 6 years following God along this path), and I have a vision of where God is taking me. I have a vision of that future ahead. And it is now. Today is the first day of the rest of your life, a pastor once said. Don’t waste precious time. Engage the time, even if it is a waiting period.

Something God put on my heart last year was to lead a discussion at my church on story structure, screenplay, and films. After mulling it over, praying it over, and waiting, it’s finally happening on Oscar Sunday (How appropriate?). But when I take a project on, I go full force. It’s not halfway done. It’s over and beyond. I hired a graphic designer and dear friend to design a layout for me, and print the cards. They discuss the details of the event with a supercool look. As the one who suggested this blog post pointed out, I see the big things happening now, even when they appear small. The future is now.

So while the majority of the population won’t care who my Person of the Year was in 2014, they will care in 2024. But just because no one is looking now, doesn’t mean I shouldn’t put these traditions and events into motion. I am establishing the business in these early years, so they will be ready and in order for the “successful” years. And who knows that one of those Christians in China might not show up to my Christmas party in 2024 to thank everyone for their contribution to his spiritual life ten years before?

Vision for Tomorrow4