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Photo taken from here.*

There is a constant struggle between these diverse philosophies, the material and the spiritual. This proposition is again illustrated in the life of each individual. On one hand we are material, if the material gains the ascendency we become selfish and reap corruption, and are dragged away from God. But, on the other hand, we are spiritual, and if we sow into our spirits, if we cultivate the spiritual nature, we are elevated Godward. –President James A. Garfield

I recently read some notes taken from a sermon given by a former president of the United States, President Garfield. Published in F.M. Green’s book A Royal Life, the sermon is titled, “The Material and the Spiritual.” President Garfield (before he became Commander in Chief) begins his message with John 16:7: “Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.” The disciples, he tells, had developed faith in Jesus has a person and a human being and that it was important that the Holy Spirit come in order that they could develop faith in Him as God. The Greek’s believed everything was spiritual. Conversely, the Jew’s believed everything was material. He suggests that as Christians we struggle with the same concept as the disciples and I believe this is the beginning of faith.

Several months ago, I was driving and talking to God. I was telling Him about all the financial help I would need for the film. I was telling Him about everything I needed to do for the film. And He spoke to me. He gave me a dollar amount to pray for. It took me aback because of the amount but nonetheless I prayed. I said “this is what I need.” God can help you much more if you ask, which is why He told me what to ask for.

A couple of weekends ago as I was mingling with other filmmakers at Trail Dance, I was met with much advice regarding my first feature. I was given much needed advice on cameras and hiring a cinematographer. I was given advice on other key crew members to hire, being told how much better that it would be for the film. In my mind, I felt helpless. I had quite a bit of backing as it was but not quite what was being suggested to me.

After telling my current producer about the dollar amount that God had asked me to pray for, we prayed in agreement together for it. In the midst of this, my financier agreed with us in prayer but just didn’t see the money coming together. After several weeks, I had been brought to believe that maybe I had misheard God and that maybe we didn’t need all that much. So I stopped praying. In the midst of this, finding a decent cinematographer has been hard because of the asking price. Because our film is largely being shot on weekends from March through July, it’s hard for these cinematographers and others who may commit to the film to commit to other projects. To put into context, this film will take a fourth of the year to film. But with a new territory like a suspense thriller, which we are producing, a cinematographer/editor is needed to help make the plot believable. But they’re all more than we’ve got.

Just to check, we decided to show the screenplay to some local filmmakers and see if they might be less expensive. They came back to us last week with a proposal. They told us that in order for the film to be good, the budget would need to be X-amount. What you don’t know because I haven’t mentioned it is they said the exact amount that God told me to pray for. I wasn’t wrong after all. According to scripture “By the mouths of two or three witnesses, let every matter be established.”

Going forth, I made a decision. I am going to believe that He is going to provide the amount that He asked me to pray for. What is [said amount] in the hands of God? I’m a recent college grad and I don’t know what that even looks like. I’ve never in my life had access to the kind of money he has asked me to pray for. But I’ve always had access to God. “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen” (Ephesians 3:20-21 KJV).

Note: Since this initial writing on this article, I was told that the amount recommended to us by these other filmmakers was merely for their services. Nonetheless, I believe it stands as a witness of God to remind me of what He asked me to pray for. I’m standing for it!

*The websites in which these photos are found are not necessarily an endorsement from me, but mostly those photos found during a routine image search.