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20130911-210052.jpgImage taken from Lifehack Quotes.

Last week, a co-worker was asking about my films. He asked how I had so many willing people ready to help fulfill the vision God has given me for films. After all, to this day, I have worked on six projects and not a single person has accepted a dime of payment. Let’s face the facts that my films could be included on a list of films with those famous “shoestring budgets,” so there really wasn’t much to offer to begin with. But I had what I had. And it was provided to me by the Living God, so that I could in essence offer myself as living sacrifice to Him in a form of art.

Not all of my film sets were like “Consecrated.” They started off quite small. The first film set involved seven people: One camera operator and director, one additional undefined crew member, and five actors, with some of us filling additional positions. It was for the Fine Arts Festival hosted by the IPHC denomination. Three of us were competing as a team on this project within the video category. It was my calling and a small first step. The remainder of the people within the film production had nothing to gain from being a part. My other team members had nothing more to gain than experience and competition, as far as I know. And if it had not been for one of my other team members, who knows if I would have made that first film? Holly insisted it had to get done, even though I thought we had run short of time. And she did it again the next year.

I didn’t let a lack of glamour from enjoying what was the first step in God’s calling on my life. We weren’t called into following Christ for the glamour of it. Jesus had more right than anyone to be glamorous, but He wasn’t (Isaiah 53:2). Even though we didn’t win at the National competition, I didn’t stop. I had another short film before National’s came around anyway. I kept going. With each new film project, I learned new things. I met new people who taught me or showed me new things. I gained fresh, new perspectives. And as I kept going, I was made stronger. I was better prepared for the “unknown.” I was better prepared for new challenges and for going forward.

Today, there are still challenges, but old challenges are no longer. I didn’t back down from challenges. I challenged the challenges and kept moving. So my co-worker may wonder how people are inspired to help. It is God’s provision. I cannot express that enough. But God can only provide provision for those that keep moving forward. And as God has pursued and provided for me in this, I have sought Him out and worshipped Him. I have become more passionate about God than I thought possible- and I still have distance to go in my love for Him! People love passionate people. When you have people who see the passion, they want a part of it. They see consistency and know it’s for real and not a flakey whim. But all of it is God’s provision. I could be the most passionate person and people could want to help. But if they didn’t have the time, how could they? I could be consistent in moving forward but if God wasn’t working through me to provide the increase and the fruit, what could be good about that?

But here’s another thing: This is not about me. I am a vessel. A willing vessel. It hasn’t always been easy being a willing vessel and at times I have stopped up the flow, so to speak. But I allowed myself to take a step back. A step back from law school. A step back from other activities and “hobbies.” A step back from a romantic relationship when all of my friends are getting married. A step back to realize and pursue what God has called me to do. A friend who was speaking less spiritually once commented that when you’re doing what’s right, things just sort of come together. But I have to say that once again, it’s God’s provision. If you are doing what you were created and made to do, you will be blessed. You will not ever be put in a battle that The Lord has not prepared you for. He always puts you in a battle to make you stronger and “flex the muscles” He has helped you strengthen thus far. If you are called to dig ditches, be prepared, He will provide. If you are called to work at Wal-Mart, be prepared, He will provide. If you are called to fly an airplane, be prepared, He will provide! And it will be fulfilling and make you happy because you know your purpose on this planet and you are fulfilling it to the glory of the One who Created you for it!

And here’s the ending: If you didn’t go through everything you went through to get to that point, you wouldn’t be prepared to handle that point. That’s why you’ll never be there unless you’re prepared for it. Sweet Dreams.